On Friday, 17th February 2023, Parables Animation Studios (PAS), the Producers of Ghana's first-ever animated feature film dubbed '28TH THE CROSSROADS' based on true events that sparked up many other events that led to our independence, gladly received the students and teachers of Beacon International School in their studios for a special time of creative art/animation workshops and screenings. It was an astonishing moment for them on entering the studio. To some, the atmosphere alone is enough to go back to school without further engagements. Awe-inspiring! Their energy and enthusiasm on arrival cannot be described.
Art is a place for children to learn to trust their ideas, themselves and to explore what is possible. It engages children's senses in open-ended play and supports the development of cognitive, social-emotional and multisensory skills. Children are naturally creative. It's our job to give them the freedom, materials, and space to let their creativity blossom to its full potential. In light of this, the Team at PAS blessed the students with the studios' history, an introduction to animation and also gave them a firsthand experience of Stop Motion animation.
"When your passion becomes purpose and finally evolves into a profession, absolutely nothing can hinder that profession from being a blessing to humanity on all levels" - V. T. Albert Tetteh
These and more are what we joyfully do at PARABLES ANIMATION STUDIOS because we so know that the artist is not a special kind of person; rather each person is a special kind of artist. EVERY CHILD IS AN ARTIST! TELL US WHAT YOU LOVE ABOUT THESE PHOTOS and get ready for more this year 2023 and beyond.
2023 at Parables Animation Studios will be like never before witnessed. Follow us on all social media platforms and also subscribe to our YouTube channel, PARABLES STUDIOS, for exhilarating projects.
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