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Meet the man_ZINGARO

Writer's picture: cycil Abbancycil Abban

The cell animation era of the 90's was definitely thrilling, much more with the entry of the brand name...Z-I-N-G-A-R-O!

If you missed the personality appearance on the "kyekye kule" show back in the days, then lucky you today. We managed to meet up with him to share his story.

"I'm Hugh Sydney Kobla Quist (Zingaro). I had a childhood passion for defacing walls and doors with my drawings which often got me into trouble. I started as an independent editorial-social cartoonist and comic strip artist in the 80s; making cartoons for newspaper tabloids and magazines. The Weekly Spectator, The Voice, Leisure Arts, Entertainment Weekly, Week-End, Sports Coin, Daily Graphic, Mirror, Junior Graphic, Graphic Sports, The Ghanaian Chronicle, The Daily Statesman amongst others were some of the newspapers worked for.

So What's the story behind the brand name Zingaro?- I adopted Zingaro as a “pet name” during my secondary school days at Peki Secondary the mid-70s. I used to admire the works of one Italian painter called Zingaro as a child, whose beautiful biblical paintings were so captivating to follow. Growing up I drew on chalkboards and shoe card boxes to pull gags on my teachers and classmates. I always signed Zingaro at base of my drawings. Friends started

calling me Zingaro and I got stuck with it since."

What's been your Inspiration as an artist? – "I am driven by a passion to use cartooning

as a tool to inspire the young and impact positive values in them. So, in the 90s I

initiated a programme dubbed: “The Bonecrusher Road Show” (Bonecrusher was one

of my indefatigable characters in the early days). We visited first cycle schools in the

districts and capital towns in Ghana using cartoon slides during seminars in a campaign

to educate children on the vices of teenage pregnancies and drug abuse.

The programme was very successful and so to enable us use television to reach more children I started exploring and experimenting with the medium of animation which culminated in the ‘Akwadaa’ and ‘It Pays to wait’ animation projects in the later part

of the 90s early 2000s."

How will you describe your Animation Style?: "I believe in Simple Is Best (SIB)- using simple shapes and forms and imagery to simulate storytelling because I am convinced it helps to communicate the concept clearly and effectively. I still admire 2d traditional animation format because it helps to sharpen ones drawing skills and also has a fascinating unexplainable magic. It is expressive in terms of applying the principles of animation. However, with the advent of new technology, 2d animators have an opportunity to make their works sleeker and cost effective."

Any new productions to expect from the pencil wielding iconic character? "Observe the space and look out for some interesting developments soon with the Zingaro touch."

Obaatu! Inspiring story from a Living Legend!!! A key frame applause and well wishes

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Apr 23, 2021

A living legend.

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